Retirement Weekly
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest information about retirement, finances, tax planning, and the markets.
I just love this time of year; it is full of joy, cheer, and celebration. It's a time to eat all the treats we want without gaining a pound because calories don't count on holidays, right? And it's...
I just got a great question from a reporter that I wanted to share it with you.
Marcia is writing a story about early retirement and she asks, “How does someone begin to decide when they can,...
Life is filled with anxiety. My wife is anxious about flying, my kid is afraid of the dark, my dog is afraid of her own shadow, and I am anxious about failure, so I work insanely hard to succeed.
Last Sunday, I was chatting with someone who had spent a lot of money on Bitcoin. When I told him that investing in Crypto currency was no different than gambling or playing the lottery, he became...
I saw the following in my news feed and thought, "how could he be so greedy?"
And then I thought, he actually did the right thing by "buying the dip" - and yet he still lost. Millions. He literally...
I wanted to share with you an interesting thought I had about money.
From a young age we are taught that time is money, and there is a lot of truth to it. Fundamentally, money is a replacement for...
Tempted to stash your money in a bank CD? Or maybe under your mattress? Think either one of
them will keep pace with inflation? Well consider
the following:
In simple terms, inflation...
If you are lost with all the numbers letters and shapes being thrown around to describe our current markets, don't worry you are not alone.
So what do all the letters mean?
A lot has been made recently about a sudden plunge in the value of the dollar. Although the dollar has indeed plunged lately, it’s important to keep that “plunge” in its...
Okay, your portfolio is down, what now? Like most things in life, when one door closes another opens, this correction is no different. So, here are some ways to turn this market correction to your...
The latest news from China and Trump's comments have the market riled. The S&P 500 dropped for the second day this week, wiping out the markets gains for the year. Here are the critical facts...
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