Retirement Weekly
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest information about retirement, finances, tax planning, and the markets.
A lot has been made recently about a sudden plunge in the value of the dollar. Although the dollar has indeed plunged lately, it’s important to keep that “plunge” in its...
Okay, your portfolio is down, what now? Like most things in life, when one door closes another opens, this correction is no different. So, here are some ways to turn this market correction to your...
The latest news from China and Trump's comments have the market riled. The S&P 500 dropped for the second day this week, wiping out the markets gains for the year. Here are the critical facts...
On Monday, the Dow finished at a 3.5% loss, making it the third worst daily point drop in Dow history. Market commentators are blaming fears over the coronavirus as the source for the pullback.
At the end of 2019, Congress passed the most sweeping change to retirement rules in over a decade.1
Known as the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act (SECURE Act), this...
When I teach people about how to prepare for retirement, we focus on financial preparation. Being prepared financially is critical to a sound retirement system, one that can provide security, peace...
Being a financial advisor, I love numbers and taxes, some people may call me a geek. But that personality trait is what causes me to want to share with people some of the more technical aspects of...
On the Trail of Mr. Market
Many years ago, I once worked in Law Enforcement on the trail of an escaped prisoner. He had cut his arm on razor wire and was easy to describe.
"Did you see a guy in...
Doubts surrounding the ‘phase 1’ trade deal with China, escalating impeachment hearings, and a generally overbought market were enough to halt the S&P 500 weekly winning streak at...
The Medicare Open Enrollment Period is the time during which Medicare beneficiaries can make new choices and pick plans that work best for them. Each year, Medicare plan costs and coverage...
Tax reform changes to the standard deduction and itemized deductions may affect your ability to obtain an income tax benefit from charitable giving. Projecting how you'll be affected by these...
We recently wrote an article about unanticipated factors in your retirement equation. We discussed the “how much you have when you retire” minus “how much you will need in...
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